OSC prides itself on offering top quality turf seed. We work with renowned breeders who have developed seed with the highest vigour and germination for our area. New varieties are continually being tested to ensure that our customers obtain the highest quality turf possible.

OSC has been committed to offering quality brand name plant protection products for many years. With a continued demand on applicators' to be environmentally responsible, we believe that research and technical support are the keys to ensuring that the right products are applied for individual situations. Please browse our complete line of plant protection products and contact one of our sales representatives for further technical assistance.

OSC is continually working with our supply partners to secure technologies that will optimize plant health and provide consistent playing surfaces. We are pleased to offer a professional line of turf fertilizers from Nutrite as well as a high quality line of foliar applied fertilizers from ENP turf. Our sales reps work with you to develop nutrition programs for all Ontario growing climates and soil types. OSC has quality nutrition products to help you achieve your goals.

OSC has common sense solutions to meet the needs of turf managers. Our line of Aqua-Aid and Turf Max products is designed to address water management, soil management, sun protection and tank efficiency. Aqua-Aid’s various surfactant chemistries can be used alone or combined in order for the end user to have uniform conditions when dealing with non-uniform subsoil. Contact a representative to find out how you can maximize water efficiency while delivering quality playing surfaces.

OSC is proud to be associated with Bayco Golf as a preferred vendor/industry leader to support your golf course needs. Bayco Golf is a Canadian manufacturer of golf course accessories located in Winnipeg, Canada. Bayco Golf's staff and management strive to offer products of the highest quality to the golf course industry around the world.