- Premium Granular Turf Grade (SGN 200) Golf Course Fertilizer -
100% Nutryon
An economical formula for roughs. Nutryon slow-release nitrogen provides a long-lasting precise and consistent feeding.
25 kg
Late Fall
Late fall fertilizer with UMAXX to maximize efficiency and ammonium sulphate. Contains 11.2% S
25 kg
An economical formula for roughs. Formulated with UMAXX stabilized nitrogen to maximize nitrogen efficiency. Contains 3.5% S
25 kg
30% GreenTRX
30% of the nitrogen is available from GreenTRX™ technology which contains both ammonium-N and various organic sources. 50% of the nitrogen is derived from Nutryon polymer-coated urea. Contains 1% Fe. 88% of the potassium is in the safer
sulphate form. Phosphorus free.
25 kg
32-0-5 Safety Data Sheet
Late Fall
Late fall fertilizer. Nutryon controlled release nitrogen provides a long-lasting, precise and consistent feeding that lasts up to 12 weeks. Nutryon gradually feeds for stronger and healthier turf. Ammonium sulphate is particularly useful for rapid recovery and green-up of greens, tees and fairways.
25 kg
FMS Extended
Slow release nitrogen from Methydure and Nutryon. Formulated with extended release Nutryon polymer-coated urea. Provides gradual and continuous nutrition over 25 weeks. Contains 2.8% S
25 kg
FMS 75% SR & SOP + Fe + Micros
Contains three sources of nitrogen with different release rates; Fast, Medium and Slow. The 75% slow-release nitrogen is derived from Methydure, Nutryon polymer coated urea and UMAXX® stabilized nitrogen.
25 kg
Formulated with Nutryon slow release nitrogen and UMAXX stabilized nitrogen to maximize nitrogen efficiency. High rate of potassium for improved stress tolerance. Contains 1% Mg, 8.5% S, 1% Fe
25 kg
FMS (Fast, Medium Slow) - Slow release nitrogen from Methydure and Nutryon and stabilized nitrogen from UMAXX. Provides gradual and consistent nutrition over 12 weeks.
25 kg
30% GreenTRX
30% of the nitrogen is available from GreenTRX™ technology which contains both ammonium-N and various organic sources. 50% of the nitrogen is derived from Nutryon® polymer-coated urea. Contains 1% Fe. 95% of the potassium is in the safer
sulphate form.
25 kg
Organic based fertilizer with Sustane composted turkey litter and Nutryon-S slow release nitrogen. Contains 2.5% S
25 kg
16-1-2 GreenTRX
100% of the nitrogen is available from GreenTRX technology which contains both ammonium-N and various organic sources. GreenTRX also provides amino acids and peptides which has been shown to positively impact soil productivity and plant growth.
25 kg
Sustane Booster
A granular organic based fertilizer. Contains Sustane organic homogeneous fertilizer. 10.8 % of the nitrogen is in a quickrelease form from ammonium sulfate. Sustane provides predictable slow release organic nitrogen for up to 9 weeks.
25 kg