More than 125 years of excellence.
Fast & expert service
Everything a successful golf course needs
Seed for every application: the latest and best Bentgrasses, Kentucky Bluegrass, Fescues, Perennial Ryegrass, Naturalization, and much more.
Pest control products
Plant nutrition plans and products
Integrated water management tools
Course supplies and hardware
Agronomic expertise
519.886.0557 or 1.800.465.5849
Ontario Seed Co., Limited
Waterloo, ON N2J 3Z6
OSC Turf: Products for the Professional Turf Grass Manager

The OSC Turf division of Ontario Seed Co., Limited.
Technological advancement in turf management, chemical and fertilizer expertise and a sensitivity to the environment are critical elements which challenge the turf industry today.
Our team of qualified sales representatives are ready to take on the challenge. All have years of hands-on experience in turf grass management. Quality products, advanced practical skills, and an ability to analyze and provide solutions are a few of the attributes Ontario Seed Company’s sales team provide.
Take advantage of our experience. For over 125 years OSC has taken pride in our commitment to customers success, selling the best quality products. It is our desire to continue to be the leader in the turf grass industry and we are pleased to welcome you to our website. Our sales representatives look forward to serving you.