Integrated Pest Management
Turf grass managers that faithfully use Integrated Pest Management (IPM) suppress pests and diseases effectively and economically in an environmentally sustainable way.

IPM is a holistic approach to managing turf for best possible playability, acceptable aesthetics and public accountability. The IPM turf grass manager uses scientific methods and careful record keeping to assess the pest and disease pressure over the management season. When treatment thresholds are reached, control methods are deployed and cultural practices modified, as appropriate. All pests and disease events, control methods, cultural practices and environmental parameters are meticulously recorded and assessed. The entire IPM process is adjusted specific to the particular turf grass management nuances revealed by critical analysis of this record. Public accountability is satisfied by presenting the analysis in a way accessible by an interested audience.
The Ontario cosmetic pesticides ban came into effect April 22, 2009. (see: for the details). As part of the new regulations, golf courses must be fully accredited by the IPM Council of Canada (IPMCC) to purchase and use essential pest control products.
Please consult the following website for the details regarding IPM accreditation: